Tuesday, August 19, 2008

36 weeks...!

Since it's been almost a month since our last post, we've decided it's time for a little update. We haven't had anything too exciting happen. We've set up the babies bed in our room with some shelves for their clothes. We have a bag ready at a moments notice. Paul put the bases for the car seats in the car. Really, we're just waiting! We had another preterm scare a few weeks ago. The doctors and specialists said that after 34 weeks they wouldn't stop my labor (LIARS!). We were watching the Olympics at about 4am. I know, I know. That's pretty early, but I don't sleep at night anymore, so I was just kinda hanging out on the couch. Paul came out to try and get me to come to bed. I was having contractions pretty consistently and they were beginning to hurt. We waited for a little while longer. We called the on-call doctor who told us not to mess around with twins and to come in. We took a little big longer so I could take a shower. We're delivering at Alta View Hospital in Sandy which is about a 30-45 minute drive from our apartment in Provo. As we're cruising along, Paul feels something funny with the car. I thought he was just really tired and that's why he was swerving a little. We pull over while I'm breathing through contractions and we have a flat tire! Paul changes the tire and we're back on the road. We get there and they hook me up to everything. The babies were doing very well. They took blood and did some other tests and find out that I have a bladder infection. As a result of the bladder and uterus being so close together, when one is irritated the other gets irritated (kind of the chicken or the egg thing). So, they don't know if my bladder got infected as a result of the past couple weeks of uterine contractions and that triggered my uterus to start contracting more aggressively...but, they gave me 6 bags of fluids (equivalent of a gallon and a half), antibiotics, morphine, and some other stuff to stop my labor. They had us wait there for a few more hours because I was still having contractions every two-three minutes. So, Dr. England had me rest for the next couple days and take medicine to stop any labor. We made it to 35 weeks, and if nothing happens in the next two days, we'll make it to 36. Then, they promised not to stop my labor. I'm pretty uncomfortable and I have contractions pretty often, just not painful enough to go to the hospital. We'll just keep waiting...


Jenni said...

Your almost there Molly!! At least the Olympics are on these days to keep you entertained at night :) You'll have to update me on all the events.

Anonymous said...

I bet they arrive 2 weeks late now.

Anonymous said...

You are in the home stretch. Way to go! It's been fun following your amazing journey. We have a couple in our ward who just had twins (boy & girl) at 36 weeks. I am including their blog address so you can check it out and get a little preview of what it will be like: saoldroyd.blogspot (one+one=four) We wish you the very best. They will be here before you know it.

Kathy Richards
(Mike's Mom)

The Robinson's said...

I came upon your blog and had to say Hi! That is so exciting you are about to have twins! I will be checking your blog to see how everything goes:)