Paul and I were married on April 27 two years ago. To celebrate our anniversary, a friend of ours from our ward came and watched the girls the Saturday before the 27th. We only planned to be gone for two hours, we were just going to dinner, but Alyssa insisted that we stay out longer. We left her with Aislee sleeping and Olivia getting ready to fall asleep. Paul took me to the Olive Garden since that was the place we went after the wedding and the other festivities. We felt like we were newly-weds again without any responsibilities! We had a very nice dinner, and called to check on the girls. They were still asleep! So, we went to the mall to return some socks I had gotten Paul for our anniversary (I should really get those types of things when he is right next to me!). We just walked around holding hands and talking about all the things that have happened over the past two years. Quite a bit has happened! We've lived in three states. We've graduated from college. We've endured many nights at the Emergency Room!

We've even bought couches together! But, how could we leave out the opportunity to be parents to two...almost three?!?

That's right. We are expecting another baby, coming November 2009! We are very excited! And, there is only ONE baby in there! We are a little nervous to have three under 15 months, but we have adopted the motto, "Have 'em while you're young, and sleep will come later...hopefully!" This pregnancy seems to be going a little bit better. I had a pretty bad bout of morning sickness, but they have me on the same medicine I was on with the twins. I'm feeling much better, and we're hoping that this time it only lasts the first little while.
But, to continue with our date, we had a good time just being together. We got home to happy babies crawling on the floor with their toys and crawling all over Alyssa. Olivia had just woken up and Aislee didn't cry when she realized we were gone. We are really grateful for the opportunity to go out. I'd also like to say how grateful I am for a wonderful husband. Paul has been pretty awesome with all that we've gone through. I am so glad such a sweet and kind and wonderful person found me when he did. It's just fun to be married to him! I love you, Paul!