We've been home from Utah for about a week. It was really nice to escape the heat for a weekend and enjoy some much needed time outside. We spent most of our days at grandma and grandpa's playing outside! It was wonderful! We weren't able to go to the family reunion in Salt Lake because Paul had some meetings. We left after work, drove the nine+ hours to Cedar City, and stayed the night at my parents' house. We were making really good time until we got to Vegas. Who knew that at 10 o'clock at night Vegas would have unusually high traffic due to Nascar? Not us! It took us over an hour to travel 5 miles to the north side of Vegas on I-15. My family had already left for Salt Lake earlier that day. So we had the house all to ourselves. We made waffles for breakfast, played outside, made a mess of Grandma's
amazing playroom, played outside some more, ate lunch, had a fun visit from Uncle Blair and Aunt Mary, checked into our hotel, took naps, and then made dinner for the arrival of the Uncles (and Grandma and Grandpa). It was fun to see the kids play with cousins. Olivia and Aislee are still talking about Aspen, Elliot, and Stori who are "they're best friends". Sunday was a lot of fun too. We got to hear Uncle Joel report his mission to Japan. Another missionary had recently returned, and spoke with him. It was wonderful to hear Kyrie and Joel talk about their experiences serving the Lord. We went back to Grandma and Grandpa's house for sandwiches and more cousin fun! My sister, Arianne came down from Eagle Mountain with her kids. They are are a lot of fun and are growing up pretty darn fast! The next day, my mom watched our kids while Paul and I went on a run through downtown Cedar City. I love running with Paul! We've been thinking about having our babysitter come a little early some Saturdays so we can run or play tennis together. Anyway, we checked out, went back to my parents' house and kept on playing. The twins discovered Grandma's Barbie collection! They also learned how to play Red Rover. We ate lunch, played in the sprinklers, and then headed home. It was a short trip, but a lot of fun! We can't wait to see everyone again when we go to Pagosa Springs in July!
Gradnma's sandbox. |
Grass! Oh, the grass! |
Paul enjoyed practicing. |
Aspen wrestling Uncle Joel |
4 Generations |
Ten minutes into our drive home. |
Azure |
Elin loved being outside, and it wore her out! |
Uncle Kett and Super Ewan! |
Making TexMex for dinner |
Red Rover! |