Saturday, August 23, 2008

Double Feature!

Well, we've decided that we should probably update the blog with some pretty exciting news. We'll start from the beginning. We went in for our 36 week appointment with Dr. England. I had been having some contractions, but nothing really painful. We decided to take the bag and pillow with us just in case. Really, we thought it was just wishful thinking. Dr. England found that I was 2 centimeters and 50% effaced. We told him that I was still having contractions so he put me on the monitors for a non-stress test. We sat there for about a half hour when my contractions were getting more intense and closer together. Dr. England kept us on the monitors for a little while longer and then he checked again. I was almost a 3 and 80% effaced. So, he decided to do an ultrasound to find out how the babies were positioned. They were both head down so he said it was a good day to get this thing started. We canceled the appointment we had for the next week and headed to the hospital. The next couple hours we spent waiting and talking about how much things were going to change in the next day or so. Around 5pm they came in gave me an epidural and broke my water. They started me on pitocin so they could control my labor's progression. It went kind of slow, but they didn't want to stress the babies out with the contractions or cause any heart problems for me. We were able to take cat naps for the rest of the night. Around 4am Dr. England came in again to check and I was fully dilated and 100% effaced. We got ready to head into the OR and pushed for about an hour and forty-five minutes before I figured out what they really wanted me to do. About 15 minutes later, the first baby was born. About another 45 minutes later, the second baby was born. We are now the proud parents of two baby girls; Olivia (4lbs, 3 oz) and Aislee (5lbs, 2oz)! We are so grateful to Dr. England and the staff at Alta View for being so thoughtful and careful while we have been here. Our nurses have been wonderful and the doctors have been very attentive to our needs. They're small, but doing very well. They eat and sleep and have dirty diapers. Paul's pretty good at changing diapers and burping babies. They may have to stay a few extra days to make sure they're gaining weight, but as of right now they're doing very well. We look forward to taking them home and showing them off! Here are some pictures.

Aislee and Olivia




Brook said...

Molly congrats. that is so exciting. your girls are so cute and precious. I hope to meet them sometime.

Sheri said...

Congratulations Molly! They are BEAUTIFUL! Great work!

Susan said...

Congrats to both of you! I hope everyone's doing great and able to leave the hospital soon!

Anonymous said...

YEA!!!!! Congratulations! They are beautiful!!!

Just a thought... said...

Congratulations,they are adorable! Now the tricky part ...(since they are identicals)telling them apart!

Jenni said...

They are bEAUtIfUl! I can't believe they are here! Congratulations to the both of you and we can't wait to visit in Octobor!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Molly & Paul! What beautiful girls you have been blessed with. We wish you health, happiness and a good nights sleep - in 20 years!!

Pam said...

Congratulations Paul and Molly!!! What beautiful babies!!! We're so happy everything went so well for Molly and the babies!!! Your family was very excited at church today. Good luck and we can't wait until you come to Oklahoma to show them off!!!