Thursday, February 19, 2009

We're here!

It has taken us a little while to post. We've been a little busy moving in and figuring out Tucson. Even though we haven't really gotten out too much, the sunshine is nice and we are enjoying a winter without snow (YAY!). Paul has been at Raytheon for over week. He's learning the ropes. He comes home with a smile on his face, which could mean one of two things...we'll see. The girls and I are enjoying the new playmat we got. They pull the toys off the hooks and stick everything in their mouths. They're both rolling around and scooting a little. Aislee has to be closely watched in the tub. Olivia just likes to hold on to everything, including my hair. They're getting big! I had packed a lot of the girls' clothes not knowing if they would fit them or not. They really are growing so fast! A lot of the things I packed thinking they would fit into them later are fitting them today (maybe even yesterday!). They're so cute, I try to put them in the clothes at least once and take a picture. You'll notice that the length of pants is not a problem, but we are unable to fit the width. We're still rolling our jeans. How grateful we are for baby showers and wonderful gifts!

Aislee and Olivia

Aislee and Olivia

Olivia (she's such a big girl)

Olivia and Aislee

Olivia on Aislee

Olivia ad Aislee

Aislee and Olivia

Aislee and Olivia

Aislee and Olivia

Olivia and Aislee


Aislee (she's such a big girl)

Olivia and Aislee (these onsies are organic cotton, one says "Tree lover" and the other says "Going green, star power, and deep thinker")

My parents and two of my younger brothers (Kett and Court) were able to bring the trailer of our things down over President's Day weekend. They didn't get to stay long, but maybe next time. They'll have to bring their swimsuits for the junior olympic sized swimming pool! We met the trailer in Phoenix at the IKEA. We picked out a table and chairs, a TV stand, and bookcase. We saw a few other things we may pick up later. That store is amazing! Paul and the boys put the TV stand together after Church on Sunday. After unpacking most of our things on Monday, I put the table together. The directions were pretty straight forward. Heck! I put the table together! Hhmmm...maybe I should have been a mechanical engineer...Anyway, Paul put the bookcase together and we unpacked the rest of our things. We now have a table and chairs, a bookcase, a bed, a couch, a soveseat, and a TV stand. We're like grown-ups! So long are the days of eating pizza on the floor and sleeping on an air mattress in an empty apartment. Aahhh, the simple life.

The table that Molly built (the roses were from Paul)

The girls' room. It will have a crib in it shortly. We just ordered one.

The hall way to our bathroom.

The girls' bathroom. (yes, we have two bathrooms!)


Jordan said...

Congrats! So cute!

Parker and Christine said...

Looks like you guys are having fun in Tucson! I hope to see you soon - as soon as I can get back to the AZ sunshine! Your girls are so cute - it is so fun to see how much they have grown! It is definitely fun when they start playing with toys, laughing, and developing their own unique personalities! Good luck!

skinners said...

your girls are too cute! how fun that they can roll and play together! i can't wait for grace to get big enough to play with madison. (madison can't either)

where do you live in tucson? i guess you could email me instead of posting it for everyone to see.

now is really the best and most gorgeous part of the year in AZ. enjoy it before the heat sets in!

i am glad you are settling in. let us know if we can do anything.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!! They look so much bigger! And they're looking so blonde these days! Your new apartment looks great! Hopefully we can come visit soon!

Holly said...

Molly your girls are so cute. I love hearing your stories because I can totally relate. It is so fun having twins.