Monday, February 1, 2010

Now that it's February...!

It's that time of year again. Since it's tradition, and I like to copy my older sister, we've decided to post our New Year's resolutions! Paul and I are all about setting goals and I am a very big list maker even if we forget the list on the counter when we go to the store and the goals we set are the same ones from last year...! We'll start from youngest to oldest.

Ewan would like to
  • Sleep through the night
  • Crawl and walk
  • Keep up with the sisters
  • Eat crackers
  • Try apple juice
  • Avoid getting sat on by the sisters

Aislee would like to
  • wake up happy from naps
  • go down the slide all by herself
  • go to nursery with a smile
  • sleep in a big girl bed
  • give more hugs and kisses to Ewan and Livi

Olivia would like to
  • only give hugs and kisses to Aislee and Ewan
  • learn to say "okay, Mom" instead of "no, no no"
  • share her toys
  • sleep in a big girl bed
  • eat dinner without having to be semi-naked

Molly would like to (sorry, this the last picture we have of me)
  • run a half-marathon in May and then keep running
  • go on a real date with Paul at least once a month
  • read more books
  • not stress out about little things
  • give more hugs and kisses

Paul would like to (I'm doing his)
  • help Molly train for a half-marathon
  • find a babysitter for dates
  • play more
  • teach Ewan how to catch and kick balls
  • give more hugs and kisses
  • take a nap
Well, there you have it. Hopefully, we accomplish our goals for 2010! We look forward to a wonderful year! Good luck to all of you with your resolutions.


Jenni said...

Those all sound like reasonable goals! Have you picked out which half marathon? For me, if I pay for it ahead of time then I am sure to do it :)

Dana and Michael said...

Great goals! I hope that you have a great 2010!

Ari said...

I like yours way better. Sounds like we both have very similar resolutions for ourselves. It bust be the mom of many small kids thing (hugs & kisses, dates w/ hubby, time to exercise, ant no stress.) Some day....

The Eve's said...

Those sounds like fabulous goals! I love the new ponytails in the last post too! And WOW...Ewan has tripled in size since I saw him like a month and a half ago!!

Lauren & Keven Burns said...

If you need a babysitter I am always here!