Ewan is getting to be such a big kid! I took him in for his two month check on Tuesday. He's weighing in at 12lbs 13oz and 24 inches long. He's basically grown out of newborn clothes and is too long to put in most of our 0-3. This is a new thing for me! The girls could wear newborn things for at least 3 months! Ewan is just a happy baby. He smiles and laughs and kicks his feet. He loves the tub and getting his diaper changed. I'm thinking that we may go through a "naked-stage" someday with this kid...! He's a good eater. He hardly ever spits up! We have been very lucky to have such a good baby. It may convince us to add to our little family in a not-so-long-while!
Aislee and her pink bow (yes, we're still getting bruises)
Watching "Shaun the Sheep"
Ewan in his safe place
Breakfast. I've had to wash the stuffed animals a few times because they were pretty sticky.
Before church, Ewan was happy...
Then they discovered his eyes...
But Olivia tries to make it all better
Sometimes Olivia ends up with all the stuffed animals!
He's just so cute!
The girls sometimes sit by me and "nurse" their babies. They found my nursing pillow and were sharing.
18 months and the pacifiers will be gone!