Monday, March 15, 2010

Oh the things we learn...!

I've been a slacker in the blog department. I haven't been a very good picture taker, but I'm trying to take more that show the things that we are learning lately.

The girls are getting quite a vocabulary. I'm probably the only that can really understand all their words, but I'm really the only person during the day that they need to communicate with. So...They've learned to call for each other. I'll ask Olivia to take Aislee her sippy cup and Olivia will yell, "Aislee!" Aislee calls for Olivia for everything! She also says, "Hi baby Ewan". It sounds more like "Hi Baby Elinaoouieie." (just a bunch of vowel sounds...?) They know most all of their animal noises. Lately, we've been reading "The Bear Snores On" before naps and bed. At the end, the bear sneezes. Now the girls think a bear says, "ACHOOOOooooh!" They tell me when they have messy diapers and will lay on the floor and wait for me to change them. It's very helpful. Is that a sign that they're getting ready for the toilet? They like to take their diapers to the Genie. They've learned "I'm sorry". Well, mainly Aislee has learned to say I'm sorry. She get s a little frustrated with Olivia when she's not doing what Aislee would like her to do. She knows to say it and then she has to give a hug and kiss. She's probably going to know her whole name before she's two, Aislee Maureen Burkinshaw!

Ewan is just the happiest, cutest little guy. He's weighing in at about 16lbs. He's now into size 3 diapers, so I only have to buy one size for everybody! Ewan loves to be tickled under his chin, around his armpits, and his legs. He's a sleeper! He likes taking up our whole bed! He's getting used to the girls "patting" him on the tummy, bottom, and head. I think he kinda likes the attention. He hasn't quite rolled over yet, but he doesn't really have the motivation. He loves the bath. He's getting used to tummy-time, so maybe that will give him the motivation to roll over. He doesn't like the vacuum, Daddy laughing to loud or low (bass) music. He's just a happy, cute kid.

The playmat

Flower in Ewan's hair provided by Olivia

Flowers in their hair

Ewan on the couch

Aislee's diaper bag and baby

Olivia's potato head. Elliot's in the background

Olivia's tower

Surfing on daddy

The bathtub hair

My first pizza. The crust was a little thick. I think I'll have the recipe next time.

He discovered his hands

Olivia stole my apple

The pink sippy and Olivia


Only hugs and kisses

Aislee likes to sit by me or on me while I feed Ewan.


Aislee is nursing her baby doll.

Getting ready for bed

Brushing teeth before bed

After nap hair



Paul and I are also learning a lot. We've been doing a lot of things that we've never done before now that we're on our own. I've probably learned a lot more than Paul because I'm a little more naive. I've learned that when people ask, "Are you busy today? Can you do me a favor?" To say, "I'm always busy. What's the favor?" instead of saying that I'm not that busy (I don't feel like I get a whole lot done during the day), and that I'll do whatever it is they need me to do. I've learned that I'm either cheap or very picky. I have a hard time spending the amount of money stores are now asking for clothing for myself. $60 dollars for a white button down blouse!?! Together, Paul and I have learned that taking pictures as a family may be better left to the professionals, which does not include the Picture People at the mall here. It took forever, they didn't get a very good family picture, and when we brought home the disc of pictures, it only had one on it. It was a pretty big hassle for more than what we wanted to pay. Oh, the things we've learned.
Isn't he cute?

The happy kid



Aislee smelling Olivia's flower


Olivia smelling the flower

Ailsee falling off the stool

Aislee and Olivia

The only family picture that didn't look awful!