Just leaving for the hospital
Moments after...
He's a blondie!
Getting ready to go home
Aislee giving him kissess
Olivia giving kisses
Here is the story...I went in for my appointment on Thursday and was dilated to a 4+ and 70% effaced. Dr. Decker decided to schedule an induction for the next morning. I went home and got ready. I was having contractions all night and all the next morning. We got to the hospital at 9:15am. I was all hooked up by 9:30. Dr. Decker checked me and broke my water at about 10. I was a 5+ and having contractions every 6 minutes. Around 45 minutes later I was a 6 with contractions every 5 mins. They put me on pitocin, and 45 minutes later I was 7 and getting ready for my epidural. It was wonderful! He did a really good job. At 1:30 the nurse checked me and I was ready. We had to wait until about 2:00 for the Dr. Decker to be done with a C-section. He had me push with the nurse while he was delivering another woman without an epidural. He was crowning soon after and they had me stop pushing to wait for Dr. Decker to come in. The nurse told me to breathe through contractions. He came in at 3:00 and had me push through three contractions. Ewan arrived at 3:14pm. Paul was a very good counter!